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Everything posted by JohnPNJ

  1. Agreed. I'd like to see more options for transformation than just Mesh Warp and Perspective Warp, like skew, distort, etc. If there are more options than the two I mentioned, I'd like to know how to access them.
  2. Thanks for the update! I haven't attempted replacing a PDF yet. The image replacement for my mockups do work now which is great. Thank you for your help!
  3. So far in my tests, this has indeed been fixed in the latest update. This is very helpful when creating mockup templates. A big thank you to the team for fixing this!
  4. I created a few product mockup templates - which work just fine on my 2.1.1 license version. On the Beta version, when I try to click "Replace Image" in the mesh warp layer, it crashes every time. On my normal version, when I click "Replace Image", I can choose the image, click on it, and the mockup will be updated correctly with all warping working perfectly.
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