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    MikeMills07 got a reaction from Alfred in macOS Eraser/Paintbrush not working upon install   
    I think I just found it. I should be good to go. Thank you @walt.farrell @Alfred @Old Bruce
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    MikeMills07 got a reaction from Old Bruce in macOS Eraser/Paintbrush not working upon install   
    I think I just found it. I should be good to go. Thank you @walt.farrell @Alfred @Old Bruce
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    MikeMills07 got a reaction from walt.farrell in macOS Eraser/Paintbrush not working upon install   
    I think I just found it. I should be good to go. Thank you @walt.farrell @Alfred @Old Bruce
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    MikeMills07 reacted to Old Bruce in macOS Eraser/Paintbrush not working upon install   
    Choose the Eraser tool, choose one of these brushes.

    Set the colour to black or white and make sure the Opacity slider is at 100%.

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    MikeMills07 reacted to Old Bruce in macOS Eraser/Paintbrush not working upon install   
    What exactly are you trying to achieve? I notice the selected layer seems to be mostly transparent. And it is an Image Layer, you may not have your Assistant set up like mine. Meaning here I have my Assistant set to automatically rasterize the Image layer. You would need to manually rasterize the image layer before you can erase.
      Image layer.
      Pixel layer.
    Oh, and welcome to the forums @MikeMills07.
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    MikeMills07 reacted to walt.farrell in macOS Eraser/Paintbrush not working upon install   
    Then either:
    you had V1 configured differently, and had the Assistant set to automatically Rasterize the layer (as @Old Bruce) mentioned;
    or in V1 you were working on a pixel layer, rather than a Placed or Pasted-in Image layer.
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    MikeMills07 reacted to Alfred in macOS Eraser/Paintbrush not working upon install   
    If you purchased the Mac App Store version, log in to the MAS (using the same Apple ID as you used for the original purchase) and go to the ‘Purchased’ tab where you should find a download link or button. If you purchased from the Affinity Store, log in to your Affinity Store account and visit the ‘Downloads & Product Keys’ section to reinstate your Photo version 1 installation.
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