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  1. Hi again Does anyone know if there's an update about this issue? Or somewhat overriding the normal behaviour? Thanks!
  2. This is not a valid statement if there is a system in place where an official or semi-official response notifies you that your request is on the roadmap, or if they can't fulfill it due to certain limitations. The point some people are missing is that such a system doesn't exist :).
  3. I got you, thanks. I'm wondering, are the devs using forums as their main tool to track feature requests? And why should someone duplicate their request when they got an official response anyway? :).
  4. Maybe the main issue is not duplicating the post :).
  5. Thanks for your reply I wonder, what is the point of this sub-forum then if there are no replies to feature requests? You are correct, my phrasing is a question, but this is because of my lack of knowledge, the point is if this behavior is not there, I'm requesting a different one.
  6. It seems based on this rate, my requests will take a decade or so And to answer your question, No, it's not hard to change the default exporting path, 2-3 lines of code should be enough
  7. Hi, Is there a way to modify the pen tool's smart mode behavior? Currently, the bezier curve is relatively tight, which results in non-smooth/non-curvey results overall. In the preview below, both shapes have 4 points, but one creates a near-perfect circle, and the other is somewhat square (Black lines). I need to modify each point to smooth the shape. Thanks!
  8. Hi everyone! I'd like to propose a feature that would significantly enhance the functionality of Affinity Photo for game developers using the Unity Engine. Unity requires multi-layer format files to handle art more freely. Currently, the only solutions are either Photoshop's .PSB format (not .PSD) or other third-party formats. To make Affinity Photo more competitive and appealing to game developers, I suggest the development of a new Save/Export format that supports multi-layer art and is directly compatible with Unity. This would eliminate the need for a workaround like Affinity > .PSD > .PSB, providing a more efficient and seamless workflow. With many creative professionals considering a switch to Affinity products, this feature could be a game-changer for artists working with Unity. Thanks!
  9. Hi! Sorry if duplicated. 1- I would like to have a HEX color code field in HSL slider 2- It will be great when applying a linear swatch on radial gradient, the radial gradient remines radial instead of switching back into linear gradient. Thanks for the great product! - Ali
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