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  1. i used my own pictures top left was shot using a Blackberry,bottom right was shot using a Windows phone the middle was the end result i want to try this on something else i just dont know what yet
  2. so i tried something else out to see what else Affinity can do as i say its a differnt animal i tried 1 of the how-tos i belive it was called something like switching sky this is what i came up with
  3. I dont know what happened to the spaceman i resized it in Paint ,might have something to do with it renders i did using both X4 and Affinity some of it,some was just totally Affinity ,that includes my cutsom colors comming from X4 i cant belive they wont let you use 1 from the other like they did with the other versions ,you still can sort of as ive said ive got years of "elements " so 1 way i figured out how to use them for those who dont know this is how ive done it in x4 save it in photoshop then open up in Affinity thats whats working for me sometimes if ive used a specail mask or something when it opens up in Affinity it wont be the right color & I will have to change it back thats the only problem ive had so far,it saves everything including my layers that ive made ,so i can work on them 1 layer at time if i have to ,a little extra work ,but its cool through the years ive been told to try Vector drawing,instead of free hand like i do ive tried no matter how simple it might be,its always the same it ends up being a big mess,at this point i think ive just gave up on it
  4. this is a demo i made of what ive done so far,im getting to where i feel good about using it now time to check out some of the other stuff see what I can do with that I still dont have it quite figured out yet but its getting better bmbjr
  5. no its X4 Ive figured out to save it to where i can save it in X4 so I can open it i Affinity I use a Hp Pc with a Wacom tablet or a Apple Pencil & I pad
  6. I wanted to do something difficult,a little so I did this Its from a coffee cup I have i put my spin on it the elements are from Serif X4 the confetti,balloons lettering i figured out how do this so after making a Affinity file out of it then i exported it as a jpg ,this does kinda like X4 ,its got somethings missing that i used quite a bit on X4 by the time i got done with this i was starting to feel comfortable using it,i still have some learning to do
  7. hi all I finally got to try out Affinity out I will say its a differnt animal for sure! Ive had it for a while I really couldnt do anything with it,at the time I was taking care of my late mother,yeah she was really a handful its going to take me a while to get used to using this Ive been using X4 for a longtime ,started using Serif since Windows Xp,so its been a minute the butterfly I did freehand like ive been doing with X4 how ive done it that compared to this way is for sure differnt but this is a start my only thing is my black line is transparnet I dont know what what im doing wrong here other than that this how this turned out bugs bunny on the right I want to use my old stuff too,so ive been tinkering around with it using i did in 2014 if you look the picture on the right using the older serif is jagged running it through affinity it made everything smoother,kinda changed the grey a little i have years of stuff ive made with this & to remake them would take me a very long time,my elements that is i still have some learing to do bmbjr
  8. i downloaded some of these to try it out the one im currently working on is the fake galaxy its not turning out too bad right now im just about done with it bmbjr
  9. hi all i guess my thing is im used to using X4 so its going to take me a while to get used to it i have been messing around with some of the how-tos the one im been is the fake galaxy i had to do the starfield twice ,i had a bunch of interuptions when i was doing it the other day so i finally got that part,in a bit im going to do the swril part again, so far its no looking so bad as far as using anything else other than photoplus i tried some of those others its what works for me ive tried to use draw plus i never could figure it out,then was free download for using it,everything i did with any of them just turns out wrong or just plain old bad so the messing around ive been doing with it,its differnt animalfor sure ive already figured out some of it like the line tool for say i just have to go about it a differnt way now its cool though im going to check out this thing on jpeg might be the way im doing new documents ,the old way it just had that one page with this newer way you have several differnt ways of doing it now like i said ive got some learning to do bmbjr
  10. by messing around with it yesterday i found exporting them into photo shop i can use my X4 renders ,its all there the layers the way i named them everything is there now ive got some learning to do i see.its cool bmbjr
  11. hi all i have figured out how to get my X4 into this affinity what used was photoshop it was all there ,all my layers the way i named them everything ,it worked just like a charm i started messing around with it yesterday ,its a little overwhelming right now .both on my laptop & Ipad .i guess im used to using x4,the way this is made up now they are grouped together for the most part to me its kinda the same but differnt ,its got some added stuff ,some stuff its missing the 2 things its missing is the the deform tool & the line tool,which i use both of these alot and the way it saves im used to saving in jpeg this saves in png that what i have found out so far i see i have some learning to do ,i think its going to be the way things are now grouped together now thats going to be my bigthing right now i have looked at this stuff that was posted on this the ones ive really looked at is the setup on affinity ive not tried to make anything yet to show you some of the renders i do this picture was hand drawn with wacom tablet on a Hp laptop with windows 10 ,using serif Photoplus X4
  12. a little note i have uninstalled it,reinstalled it with the same results bmbjr
  13. i will check this out,considering ive been using X4 for years right now all of this is so overwhelming to me right now as far as X4 goes i have it both on my laptop & desktop,on the desktop its working like it always has,no problems where im having problems is on my laptop when i get a Windows update it makes X4 not wont to work right some features now dont work the biggest thing it does it dont matter which brush i use any lines end up being very jagged or broken sometimes then filling in sometimes its like im using the feather brush when im not even then its almost see thu i may have to fill the samething 2 or 3 times before its soild again it dinnt start doing this stuff till a few months ago as i say ive been using X4 for years ,still do im fixing to figure out this affinity both laptop/ipad from what ive seen its pretty cool bmbjr
  14. because of the windows updates i keep getting ,its already got some of the elements in photoplus not working right or not at all the updates i keep getting is doing something to it,since there is no help to speak of i thought i would upgrade to affinity bmbjr
  15. i downloaded some of these to figure out how to use this photo im used to using Serif Photoplus X4,ive been using Serif products since Windows Xp,its a differnt animal for sure for me so for right now im going to have to figure out how to use this stuff bmbjr
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