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  1. Bumping this post on principle. I routinely encounter masks that cannot be painted on with white or black paintbrush. That's all I should need: a paintbrush and white, black, or shade of gray. If it doesn't work like that, it's not working as it should.
  2. I never got this with PS. It makes it very hard to recommend Affinity products.
  3. Another day, two more file errors. This is getting old. Save failed because control of the lock file was lost. Save failed because access was lost to files holding data required by this document.
  4. Can confirm. And this is the second time this has happened. Most recently, I allowed AP2 to update/install when I had a few documents open. Is it possible the updated version then restarted with those documents pre-opened? (I think it would have first prompted me with the version warning.) After closing the doc and trying to re-open right after, it threw the error. Another theory: I returned to the document and went to the top-most history entry, then closed it without saving. Tried re-opening (there's no "Revert to saved" AFAIK) and it threw the error. Either way this is an app killer. It simply cannot be allowed to happen in 2024. Version control or some other means of recovering a file should be highest priority.
  5. AP2: Copy an existing rounded rectangle with 5% corner radius. Drag lower handle down to stretch rectangle: corner radius gets larger. Drag left or right handle to stretch horizontally and the radius doesn't change. OS X Ventura 2.5.5 (2613)
  6. I could set the current document to my chosen palette, but changing layers or selecting something would invariably cause it to default to the first one in the list. After discovering this, I traced this particular problem to a post on Reddit. I tried their "fix" but it didn't work for me. So in order to force AP2 to use the document palette I had set for my project, I had to rename the palette with a leading "_" so it would be 1st alphanumerically. Eg. _MyDesignPalette. Shouldn't have to do that.
  7. Creating new color swatches in an RGB document sourcing colors from a placed CMYK image sometimes causes colors in the swatch menu to be inconsistent. A "bright" red sourced from the placed CMYK image (ie. really a muted red) appears correctly as muted red in the swatch menu, but upon assigning it to an element in the RGB document, both the element and the color picker swatch are set to a much brighter red than the swatch. Not sure if it's easy to reproduce but I've definitely noticed it happening a few times so I'm posting this. I'm fluent in CMYK/print. Conversions to/from RGB values are standard. I got around this particular problem by deleting the swatch and recreating it by manually entering the converted RGB values. Shouldn't have to do that.
  8. Other errors: "Save failed because control of the lock file was lost." "Save failed because the file could not be written to."
  9. Getting this now in 2024 in Photo v2.5 (build 2463) on OS X Ventura. I can't install the newest release because I don't want to lose the work I have open (not that the newest release would necessarily help). This is a major bug. The devs should probably stop whatever they're doing and work on fixing this problem. If you can't save documents there's no point using the app. I'm at a standstill. I just ran some tests. I had copied and pasted two layers from a different document that were made using the paintbrush. When I remove those pasted layers, the document saves. When I leave them in, the error gets thrown. If you rasterize those layers, the document saves. Evidently it's not just un-rasterized brush effects causing this problem. I have some grouped items that prevent the file from saving. Everything in those layers is rasterized. Additionally, trying to export the document as a PDF fails. This behavior began after I started using 1. Assets and 2. Brushes. No other changes to speak of.
  10. Evidently it's not just un-rasterized brush effects causing this problem. I have some grouped items that prevent the file from saving. Everything in those layers is rasterized. Additionally, trying to export the document as a PDF fails. This is a major bug. The devs should probably stop whatever they're doing and work on this problem. If you can't save documents there's no point using the app.
  11. I just ran some tests. I had copied and pasted two layers from a different document that were made using the paintbrush. When I remove those pasted layers, the document saves. When I leave them in, the error gets thrown. If you rasterize those layers, the document saves. Attn: Affinity Photo devs.
  12. Getting this now in 2024 in Photo v2.5 (build 2463) on OS X Ventura. Not good.
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