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    + Affinity Designer v1 for Ipad + Affinity Photo v1 for Ipad

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  1. I meant default files app of ipad. Normally I am a MS Windows user. As habit I called It Explorer. ??
  2. Sorry, I’m already trying hard. I did delete the older files. When I make the white fill invisible. The icons are not visible when I open them in ipads explorer. You can try It from my file I shared.
  3. Ok. I am at step 9 now. “add a rectangle shape to reduce opacity in the upper shadow area” I checked out your file. I could not see where you add rectangle shape. Could you share a screen shot please?
  4. I could do It. However when I do not fill the backround of each icon the same problem occurs. The images are not shown up when I open them. ??? Transparent Backround.aftemplate
  5. I could done. However when I open the exported slices. It does not show the image. Only black screen. You can try to export Slice 1, 2 and on my file. ??? Slice Does Not Work.aftemplate
  6. Your new first method does not work. You can check It out on my screenshot video. I do not understand your new second method at all. What is project alpha? Shadows Problem.MP4
  7. Sounds complicated. Could you share a screenshot video please?
  8. When I apply smooth function the shape distorts as you see in the video. I want to smooth the curves and draw a wide U letter. How can I do this? U Shape.MP4
  9. Affinity Photo v1 Ipad - How To Create A Rectangle And Adjust The Outline Thickness And Style? How To Create A Rectangle And Adjust The Outline Thickness And Style?
  10. Is there a crop tool for rasterized image in affinity designer?
  11. When I use the crop tool It removes everything outer the crop area. All the layers. Not just the selected layer. How can I crop just the selected layer? ???
  12. Shadow looks like this. Some of the shadow are not black. The shoe of the woman. ??? method 2.aftemplate
  13. @NotMyFault Question 1) When I add perspective layer It can be editable in the way I can give It a skewed look. And It has square holders. However sometime later It got circle holders and I can only rotate It. In this case how can I make the square holders visible again. Question 2) I made the shadow a skewed look by dragging the square holders. Two problems occured; One is some areas in the shadow are not black. The other problem is shadow is placed in front of the model.
  14. @Ldina In Which mode do you draw in pen, pencil? It creates nodes on all modes on pen or pencil tool?
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