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    + Affinity Designer v1 for Ipad + Affinity Photo v1 for Ipad

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  1. I’m surprised and dissapointed actually Affinity Photo v2 PC Version can not handle these; Question 2) Does It do White Balance professionally with Colorchecker Card. Does It create Color Profile professionally? Question 3) Can I apply the Color Profile and Settings onto another image with a single click? Question 4) Can I apply the Color Profile and Settings onto other images with a single click? (Batch)
  2. Question 1) Connecting my Camera into Affinity Photo v2 Live and shoot Photos Remotely? Question 2) Does It do White Balance professionally with Colorchecker Card. Does It create Color Profile professionally? Question 3) Can I apply the Color Profile and Settings onto another image with a single click? Question 4) Can I apply the Color Profile and Settings onto other images with a single click? (Batch)
  3. It does not work that way too. I mentioned on my first post. I did try this. Affinity Unit Problem.MP4
  4. I do not understand why I can not do that. I share a screenshot video. Can you tell me how to do it? Affinity Unit Problem.MP4
  5. I import a pdf file. Then draw a line with bezier. Then measure It with Transport Panel. Then It shows It as pt. I go to Menu - Resize - Change pt to cm on the control panel. It still shows as Pt. How can I change the unit to cm?
  6. After creating Grids like you did (Creating column and row rectangles and apply edit - divide to them) A lot of layers come up… (which are individual shoes) I don’t understand how do we do It in quicker way after this step. Could you tell It in detail this part please?
  7. @Alfred Do I duplicate the base layer 55 times and drag the grids into them one by one for masking?
  8. I want to extract parts in a specified size from an rasterized image. For example every shoe from this image. Sneakers I want the size of the extracted images are consistent. Like 2 x 2 cm for every shoe image. How do I do this?
  9. Sorry. by mistake I shared the pdf file. Here is the affinity file; Grid Template Affinity.afdesign
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