Captain_Slocum. Could not agree more. Wow. I didn’t know that flowing tables was not standard in AP. I rely heavily on flowing tables in Indesign. Although, recently, I just identified a flaw, or rather a missing feature in Indesign. We return to the columns issue again!!! I will describe the flaw if anybody wants to reproduce the error. There is a workaround, but I will get to that.
Describing the problem. If you have columns in Indesign and a table, you cannot span the table across columns. You can, but it is a mess. Create a table in col. A and span it across to col. B. The spacing of the text in col. A, before and after the table, is perfect. However, with col. B, this is where the flaw lies. The text in col. B overwrites the table. The spacing works for col. A, but not for col. B. If you make the table to be in col. A, it doesn’t look good.
Workaround. Cut the table. It is now its own text frame. Paste the table back into the document (not in-line). Use the custom anchor option to anchor the table to text anywhere within the text frame, and apply text wrap to the table. Now it spans across the columns. The flaw with this is that you lose the 'flowing table’ option.
Maybe there is a Indesign script or plugin? I have searched for a script, but there is nothing. If anybody knows, that would be really useful to have, and still have the feature of flowing tables from page to page. Why Indesign have corrected this feature, who knows. Also, for the last two years, it seems Indesign have stopped adding any significant updates. I think they have become complacent that they are the industry leader?