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  1. @Alfred Thank you! I myself wouldn’t have guessed this setting is under a menu item I refer to as setting for grid etc. I like Affinity Designer and I know everything is there, but sometimes the UI doesn’t click with my way of thinking. Thanks again!
  2. I must be overlooking it, but I can’t find the option to disable spell check. I searched in the manual (“spelling” and “spell”) but couldn’t find anything in the results. I did a Google search but only found the settings for v1: in the Text studio, but in v2 there is no such option in Text studio? When I select text there is a menu item “Spelling options”, but from there I can only choose “Find next”, “Ignore”, “Learn”. What am I missing?
  3. Yes, that's it. I wasn't aware that this bug causes both the problem of my OP and the problem I mentioned in another thread. Thanks!
  4. Yes, that's it. At first I thought I was maybe doing something wrong. Good to know other people have encountered it also. Thanks for sharing this link, there are some workarounds mentioned that I can try.
  5. I just discovered that besides the sliders on the left you get when changing FX settings, one slider also changes when you tap or swipe some part of the screen. I can imagine that this can be handy in some situations, but it can also be confusing if not annoying. For example: I was changing some settings for an object and then clicked another object to edit it. But to my surprise and confusion the settings for the first object changed. I'd like the option to turn this swipe anywhere feature turned off, because in my situation it leads to a lot of unintended (and sometimes unnoted) changes. Or is there some confirm/apply button I am missing? (I don't see it in the manual, but the swiping isn't mentioned either)
  6. As far as I can see there is no "Apply" button or something, and sometimes when I just tab outside the object (red box) the outer glow settings are completely reset. I tried the same on my iMac and there everything works fine. I feel this is either a bug on iPad or I am doing something wrong.
  7. I am confused. I set an outer glow to a square, and change the color of the outer glow to yellow. However, the moment I select a different object, the color of the outer glow changes to white. Somehow, I am not able to set the outer glow permanent to yellow. Am I overlooking something? See also the screen recording: RPReplay_Final1719610186.mp4
  8. @Paul Mudditt and @walt.farrell Yes, I remembered reading somewhere a few years ago that certain folders are associated to apps. Then I saved a file in the root of iCloud drive. When I noticed that seems to solve my problem, I also tried it in a new folder. Again, thanks for your replies.
  9. I think I found it. But it is a bit strange. I had all files stored in the folder 'Affinity Designer' on iCloud. I created a new folder 'Affinity Designer 2' and moved some files over there. When I open a file from Files app in this new folder, everything works. I don't know why it is working from the new folder and not from the old one. Maybe because I used the old folder for AD v1? Maybe some glitch in iPadOS? Anyway it looks like it is working now 🙂
  10. I also made a short video: RPReplay_Final1719247982.mp4
  11. Thanks for your reply. I tried this several times and also rebooted my ipad. But my choice for Affinity Designer 2 is not remembered, I keep getting this screen when I select an .afdesign file:
  12. I upgraded from v1 to v2. When I tap a file in the Files app, it wants to open it in v1. I deleted v1 but now every time I get a screen with ‘Open in Affinity Designer 2’. How do I set things that the file will be opened directly in v2?
  13. Yes, I had snapping set to Candidates. Setting it to All layers is a fine solution for me. Thanks for your quick reply!
  14. Hi Dan, sure no problem🙂 As I have tried to make clear in this video, it happens every time I open a file. As you can see the snap to shape/object is not working, but the snap to margin midpoints is. RPReplay_Final1715259361.mp4
  15. Alas, it is not entirely solved. When I open a document and create a new shape (i.e. square), then snap does not work. However, after I select an existing shape and then select the new shape everything works. Strange. On my Mac, I encounter the same problem.
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