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  1. My M1 Pro MBP opens the apps in just a few seconds on macOS 15.1.1. It actually has been working properly since I installed Sequoia.
  2. You are correct! All 3 apps start lightning fast! So while a macOS update fixes the slow startup of Affinity apps (making it appear macOS was the root cause all along), one still has to ask why almost all other apps didn't have the slow startup problem while Affinity apps did? Who cares? It's working the way it should now!
  3. Obviously because all those other apps aren't from Affinity!
  4. Until then THXalot to this genius! Procedure in Detail In Affinity Designer 2.4.0, purchased directly from Serif. checked the setting the App Preferences Section `Performance` in the menu selection field `Display` (Darstellung in german) value was `OpenGL` changed `Performance`-> `Display` to `Metal`. initialize the setting by Dual Restart of the 3 Apps Close and restart all Affinity 2.4.0 apps 2 times Initial startup maybe still slow. After a second restart now all statup very fast Remarks: Possible Cause: I guess setting up the OpenGL Emulation for the AppleSilicon environment takes ages lo load and initialize. OpenGL was maybe necessary for early versions on M1+ Suggestion for Serif! What the heck is this thread long and Serif should address this in the next update by an automatic suggestion if this strange setting is detected. Armin This does NOT fix it. It's a myth. It was suggested like a year or two ago and almost immediately debunked because while it may SEEM like it fixes it, the slow startup comes right back after some time (as is the case anyways due to the fact the slow startup is actually due to the macOS security system, not some obscure display setting). Check back in after a couple weeks and let us know if it still is working for you (it didn't for me a long time ago when I tried the "trick"). App startup time WILL be fast for a number of times until one restarts their Mac at which time it may decide to slow again.
  5. You might want to post this as it's own topic to get a better response because this thread is about STARTUP delays when launching Affinity apps, not slowness when USING the apps.
  6. My V1 was from the App Store and was plagued with startup delays. I bought V2 direct from Affinity and have no issues.
  7. Just launched Designer 2 after having launched it this morning, and it took 23 bounces on the dock before it launched. (MBP 13 M1) Disappointing.
  8. Pretty sure Apple had nothing to do with it, otherwise V1 apps would launch lickety-split now. But glad to hear V2 launches like every other app now (fast).
  9. Anyone try Affinity V2 apps to see how fast they start? Web or App Store versions?
  10. According to an email I just received, "Something BIG is coming...". New versions? Probably. Free upgrades to those of us that already bought? Hopefully (but unlikely). Will the apps launch quickly? Not unless Apple fixed something on their end.
  11. Interesting, but none of the "fixes" I have found to work long term. They may work for a few weeks, but then...BAM! back to the 17-23 seconds of bouncing icon on the dock.
  12. So the lingerling "logical" questions are why this happens MOSTLY with Affinity apps and why it only happens with the App Store versions? Does Pixelmator Pro, for example, not use codesigning and somehow bypasses Gatekeeper as the reason their app launches immediately? Why do your Web versions, for the most part, not delay on start? Secondly, there is no way to provide Affinity Web Store replacements for people that can prove they bought the Apple App Store versions since this seems it will never be fixed? Also, YES...there are reports of other apps (mostly complaints of MS Office) that exhibit similar behavior, but if you read the posts, most say they have no issues with other apps (except MS Office, in the case of the particular thread). It just seems if Apple changed something, then why isn't EVERY app exhibiting the delay?
  13. You sort of answered your own question. If they cared, they'd redesign their software to work like literally every other app that doesn't stall on start. I would guess they have zero resources working on this.
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