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Everything posted by user1984

  1. +1 for pdf pass-through this is essential, nothing more to say! a workaround is to place an eps instead of an pdf. Not a solution for everyone and, of course, an additional step and worst of all, you need Acrobat or something similar.
  2. Same here. I have two EIZO Screens on a Mac mini. System is ElCapitan. To check it out, I moved AP from my main screen to the second and... colours are shiftet.
  3. How is the timeline for the functionality described in this thread. I like to see the snapping of the control handles to the grid.
  4. Hallo "Advanced Member", du kannst einfach den folgenden Link zu den Lesezeichen von Safari hinzufügen: für Affinity Designer Beta: file://localhost/Applications/Affinity%20Designer%20Beta.app/Contents/Resources/AffinityDesigner.help/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/index.html für Affinity Photo Beta file://localhost/Applications/Affinity%20Photo%20Beta.app/Contents/Resources/AffinityPhoto.help/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/index.html Der verweist auf den Index der englischen Hilfe im Programm-Paket. Das hat auch den Vorteil, dass du die Hilfe zusätzlich öffnen kannst und die nicht den Blick auf das Programm verhindert. Falls es nicht funktioniert, einfach dem Link im Dateisystem folgen und die Index.html manuell mit Safari öffnen.
  5. THX Paul, that's a way. But I wanna trash PS. ;) What also worked is: export the pdf from Acrobat as postscript... but that will kill the pictures/graphics. They will be sliced. The text is fine as curves.
  6. I don't find a answer to my problem. If I open a pdf in AD or AP and I click "no editable text" and "don't replace fonts" the document will still not look like the original. Is it possible to change the text on import to curves so it looks like the original document?
  7. Since I use the new Beta and add a PS-Plug-in folder, AP hangs at startup. I have to kill the app everytime. What can I do, to run the app again?
  8. case is the size of docs with only 1 Bit color information like scans with scripture.
  9. Hello, some features I miss so far is the possibility to change the colormode to bitmap. That would be fine. A other feature I request is an automatic stitching tool for overlapping pictureslices, so they can rearranged and stitched together. For example from a double page in a pdf-file. And make it better than the PS-function ;-) .... that's what you do everytime, of course! Regards Torsten
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