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Everything posted by GFS

  1. Is there a way on the iPad version, to reset the Basic Brushes after they have been edited via the Brushes Studio? (Other than de-install / re-install the app).
  2. People 'get used' to driving an old Ford rafikiphoto. It doesn't mean that they wouldn't prefer a Porsche if they were offered the choice!
  3. I watched (sic) the video and to be honest, it is like going back in time to some awful Windows software ... which is probably what it is. The difference between it and Aperture is vast. Please Serif, whatever you do, don't do it like IMatch. For those of us, that spend our days working with DAM software this would be like a cruel, brutal torture, or ... like using camera manufacturer's own raw software. Sort of as awful as Olympus Viewer 3 or Nikon's thing, or Pentax's thing. Uuuughh. (Sorry rafikiphoto ... not sure how to say this without being contrary).
  4. MattP, I note that the beta is for AFDesigner. I get this behaviour on AFPhoto. Will your fix be applied to that as well?
  5. That's great news MattP. I can confirm that using an old mouse-mat has seriously reduced the problem for me. However, I'm very happy to have it fixed your way, because for Wacom users like me, a mouse-mat means having it out to the side and as I know to my pain, RSI can wreck your shoulder tendons if you're holding a mouse out to the side for extended periods/hours/days/weeks/months/years.
  6. Interesting about the matt. I have mine on my Wacom, which is old and shiny. I wonder if dust in the mouse could accentuate too? Hmmm.
  7. Aha! Indeed, I didn't have it at 100% tolerance. Thanks. (If only all these tools' various controls, weren't spread out across a large monitor. Sigh ...)
  8. That was the first thing I tried, but it doesn't behave as you would hope, when the mask has been brushed in/out. Instead, it fills areas, but seems to be kind of blocked by the areas that have been brushed. It may well be bug, as I can't see why it would be intended behaviour.
  9. Thanks for the suggestion owenr. It's not bad and I've assigned shift-F5 to a Wacom button ... but it would be much better if I could skip the dialog ... which always open at the bottom of the screen?!? Who's idea was that???
  10. Hi MEB, thanks for the reply. Shame this can't be customised. So much of the UI can be, but I keep having to go back and forth across the screen to the top/left corner. (If I could have the ideal ... it would be to have them accessible via the Wacom Radial menu, or something similar. That said though, I realise that Serif haven't shown much love to the Wacom, which is kind of ironic, since they've thrown themselves at the iPad Pro and its stylus. )
  11. Is there any way to move, customise, or otherwise reposition the Width/Opacity/Flow/Hardness controls in the UI? I have found that I can move the Studio panels to the left, but I'm having problems re-learning that layers are on the left. What I have otherwise and up till now ... is an endless back and forth from the layers panel on the right, to the Width/Opacity/Flow/Hardness controls on the Top Left. Seems pointless/unnecessary.
  12. Thought I'd bump this again, as it seems such an obvious thing to have: So you have an adjustment mask that you brush in and then you want to change it and start over. IOW, you want to clear (or fill) and restart. Is there a shortcut for doing this? (I note that you can sometimes clear a mask which has been added to an adjustment, by using the delete key, though I haven't worked out why and when yet. This is good and bad/confusing, since everywhere else, the delete key deletes the layer)
  13. I'll add my name to this one. BUT! It should not be just horizontal or vertical, it should be any angle: Modifier key to set the line by click-drag. Then release and you've set the angle. Draw your line, or lines, then Modifier click again to dismiss the constrain. Simple and incredibly useful for precise accurate work.
  14. I'd very much like to be able to delete/edit some EXIF, but not all or nothing. Essentially I'd like to keep the shoot-date and exposure settings and add some IPTC from a preset. Annoyingly, there are few tools around that enable EXIF to be edited. Perhaps software companies are scared of damaging the files? (Which I understand is the most fragile part of them).
  15. Actually ... if Serif could improve their Wacom support, that would do me just fine. I'm more at home with it than a mouse. I use trackpad left-hand, wacom/mouse right-hand.
  16. Computers are good at automation. It's what they do. Alongside that, we have human beings, who are terrible at automation. When we try to persuade human beings to let the computers take care of the automation, they resist. Not always, but often. The current MacOS is full of automation, but I hardly know anyone that uses it. They still prefer to organise everything themselves. A DAM needs to take care of all this work. It is just so much better not to have to even think about it. Any DAM is simply a front-end to a database (as is the Finder or Windows Explorer). I use Aperture to move files around between disks or other locations. It is a much better UI for doing this than the Finder. It also stores all the metadata I need. If I move a file, I don't have to worry about moving any sidecars with it, because Aperture takes care of it for me. The last thing I want is to have to worry about any related files getting lost and having to remember where they are and where I want them to be. The best thing to do with a database, is to embrace it fully and allow it to do its work. It'll be better and more reliable. (Grumpy is really the right word. He is a working sheep dog ... of the live outside in a kennel variety. He didn't like my camera and if he'd had half a chance he'd have had my hand off. The fact that he resembles Yosemite Sam is just a bonus).
  17. I couldn't agree more and in fact, it was one of my disappointments with Serif and Affinity. They've copied Adobe's UI and to be honest it is and always has been, crap. Copying it was a missed opportunity. They could have done something fab instead. Of course, I understand perfectly why they did copy it. I wish though, that they'd *at the very least* changed the totally dumb system of using colour to paint masks in/out. As for Apple dumping Aperture. It is still stunning to me, that Apple could treat a group of professionals in such a way. Thousands of hours of work, per pro, summarily dumped in the dumpster without so much as an explanation. Shocking. I'll never ever ever trust Apple with a pro app again.
  18. I'm afraid I agree 100%. The honeymoon period with Affinity is probably over. The contagious enthusiasm and excitement in the early stages, was fantastic and such a breath of fresh air compared with Adobe. However, the money is hard to refuse and entirely understandable. Also of course, Serif is a Windows software company. It was the Mac software thing that was 'out on a limb'. I'm all for the iPad version, but with the launch of the Windows vs, even though Serif say it's a separate team etc., the astonishing pace of progress has pretty much ground to a halt. I'm hoping that the ex lead-engineer on Aperture, who has released the very excellent 'Raw Power' raw processing software, which is closely based around Aperture, will find the resources to move onto a DAM as well. I think it is tentatively in their sights ... and so it should be, because there is definitely a great market for the Mac, especially as you point out the advantages of the Mac having great raw processing and colour management built-in.
  19. Me too. Trying to move an object very precisely and when you let go, the canvas moves! Would be good to have a toggle for it.
  20. The difference is the noise reduction. It is far more agressive in the AFP vs. Try reducing Luminance noise in AFP and you will see the skin detail increasing significantly. FWIW, I think you can get very close to the same thing with both apps. The difference is essentially in skin tone handling. As an Aperture user, you may want to take a look at a new raw converter being developed by the ex engineering director for Aperture, called Raw Power (produced by Gentlemen Coders). It uses the Apple raw engine (which is excellent) but unlike Aperture, it uses the most recent vs. It is very powerful and easy to use and produces excellent results. Most notable in this context though, is the different skin tone treatment when compared to AFP.
  21. I thought a while back that Aperture had issues with OS upgrades (and it does have a few) but often problems can be fixed very easily. I have no problems with Sierra and I hope High Sierra to be similar, given that it is a largely an under-the-hood upgrade. It will change the file system, which is massive, but really shouldn't cause problems. So if you are having Aperture issues, e.g. the UI not drawing properly, or other strange goings on. Files not being found etc., then a simple, no risk fix, is to Export your project(s) as Libraries. See if they are okay, then Merge these Libraries together to get back to where you were. This can take a little while if the projects are very large, but it should fix everything. Effectively, you are doing a total re-build of your Library/Projects. NB, doing a re-build via Aperture's maintenance UI is NOT the same thing and will not fix these issues. You will probably be surprised to find that the new Library is much smaller too, as space has been saved due to optimisation. Why do I bother? Aperture is just so much better in terms of UI, than Lr will ever be. Here's hoping that Serif can produce something as good.
  22. Opacity is 'missing in action' unfortunately. Also, with Wacom tablets on the Mac, contextual menus in the layers panel do not work correctly (different from when you use a mouse for the same thing). I'm pretty astonished that at this stage Affinity apps are lacking in Wacom support. Seems like it should have been one of the first things to get done and dusted.
  23. Thanks Sima. Wow ... not something you're likely to stumble across by accident. I think Serif need to rethink this a bit. Having 2 different ways of nesting adjustments, which have no difference on their behaviour as a adjustments, but do on their selectioning, is kind of odd. Adjustment layers should really always be added as clipping masks, since being able to select them non-contiguously is useful. Why add unnecessary confusion when life is already confusing enough?
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