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You may have noticed that with some of our 3rd party content packs alongside the usual .afbrushes ,.afpallete and .afassets files you also got a pack of .JPGs or papers as they are sometimes called. These .JPG files don't import into any of our panels instead they must be imported as and when you want to use them via File > Place. The below excerpt from our Watercolours and Washes: raster brushes by DAUB Spotlight article details how to use these papers effectively. If you would like to read the full article you can find it here.

Working with DAUB Watercolour Papers

The DAUB® Watercolour Papers have been designed to give added authenticity and realism when using the Watercolour and Washes brushes. Here are some different ways to get started:

  • Open one of the DAUB® Watercolour Papers in Affinity Photo or Designer for Desktop or iPad, the same way you would a photograph.

  • Or make a New Document in Affinity Photo for Desktop or iPad. Select File and Place then select one of the DAUB® Watercolour Papers from your computer or iPad to place the image into your document. In Affinity Designer you can also use the Place Image Tool icon on left toolbar in Draw Persona.

  • The most effective way to use the Watercolour Papers is to create a rectangle to fill your canvas using the Rectangle Tool, then select the Fill Tool in Designer or the Gradient Tool in Photo. Where you are given the option to select Type of fill, select Bitmap, this will take you to your computer or iPad files where you can select one of the DAUB® Watercolour Papers. See Paolo’s video above to walk you through how to do this!

  • Use Blend Modes on your digital paintings to make the colours take on the texture characteristics of the papers.


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