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[FAQ] How do I save my work before reinstalling an Affinity iPadOS app?

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  • Staff

When uninstalling our iPad apps your local app folder will also be removed. This means you have the potential to lose your work without knowing. Please make sure that before uninstalling the app your work is saved to a different folder or to a Cloud Drive.

You can check where the default Save location is by going to Preferences > General. If this option is set to ‘On My iPad’ this means your work is saved to the local app folder. Please use the Files app to backup all of your documents to a different folder

It’s also worth noting that if you have any open projects within the app which haven’t been saved, they will be lost. Please make sure that any documents open on the Home Screen have been saved to a cloud drive or saved to your local app folder and then backed up using the Files app.

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