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Affinity Publisher crashing solved for me anyway


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So nearing the completion of a 100 page plus publication I found it refused to let me "Save" or "Save As" or "Export as PDF" without crashing the programme.

Did the usual rescue mission of starting a new publication and then copying and pasting from the original over to the new publication.

This got me out of the hole but the original was still crashing.


Upon starting a new publication after about 20 pages in the same thing started to happen.

I think this time I was a little more aware of what was actually going on and had this idea.

Ok I closed the publication.

Created a "New folder" to save the publication in, seems it can be anywhere even creating a new folder inside the original folder.

Then I opened the publication work file and "Saved it" to the new folder. 

It saved :-)

So I closed Affinity Publisher and opened it again by going to the "Newly folder" and clicked the newly saved file.

It opened.. more important and it allowed me to "Save, "save as" and "Export as PDF" to the newly created folder...and no I didn't try saving it back to the original folder afterwards to see what would happen.

Since then everything has been hunky dory.

So as a first fix should this ever happen to me again I will create the New Folder and hope this again solves the problem.

Hope it your having the same problem then it works for you as well.

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I know what your saying here as I've experienced the saving process refusing to save a file with commas and colons etc but this usually throws up an error and allows you to correct it, (but this wasn't the case here)

No just standard text.

When I changed the folder I didn't change the file name and it saved to a newly created folder.

But a good question.


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