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I decided to download, install, and try AD. I did so for about three hours and then I uninstalled it.

I design all sorts of things but I am NOT a professional designer. I just use various pieces of software to do what I want to do.

The things I usually work on are images for friends, touching up other's work (again for friends), an mainly making items for the D&D games I play in. I usually use Visio 2003, PhotoShop v6.0 (NOT CS# - just version 6.0 from the 1990s - I DO have CS3 but like the version 6.0 better as what I do does not need all of the bells and whistles CS3 has).

To this end - I look at a very few, select commands - most of which I have programmed in PHP with GD. These entail the loading and saving of raster images, converting raster images to SVG images and/or EPS or WMF files. I do this because the SVG files scale up nicely while raster images usually have jaggies in them. (Although PhotoShop does an excellent job of scaling things without jaggies in them.) By the way - the trick I have found to prevent jaggies is to scale an image up to three times the size you want it to be and then scale it back down. This allows PhotoShop to know where the jaggies are and to merge them back in to the image as lighter greyscale parts. At least - in PhotoShop version 6.0 this works.

So when I downloaded and installed AD, I was looking for some commands. These are: Grid (being able to turn it on/off, change the color of it, being able to do major/minor lines, make transparent, remove transparency, and maybe some other items), Being able to import such things as SVG files, being able to change a raster image to an SVG file, being able to have the program be intelligent about the conversion to SVG (and not just make it  a large image converted to base64 in an SVG file. AD did not do this. Serif's DrawPlus X8 would do this. However, neither program did what I had hoped it would do. I used a simple part of a castle's crenelation which was outlined in black with some grey areas and a brown area. I had hoped that the program would follow the black area until it had all of it. Then grab the grey and brown areas. Then it should ask me how I wanted to break the information up. Using a selection tool, I could then select the grey AND black area on each side of the brown area and create that and then select the brown and black area and have it create that.

Some other things that would be nice is to be able to load in a figure and (just like above) be able to select what to detach from the image. Why? Because if you wanted to make an animated GIF, you need to be able to take items apart. Then see, if it was a guard I was working with I'd be able to make the arms swing back and forth somewhat and move the feet also thus making it look like the image is moving.

Ok - so - don't get upset about this. I have as of yet to find any software that can do what I need and thus - that is why I am writing little PHP scripts.

All-in-all though - Affinity Designer looks very snazzy and has a very slick interface. It is not for me but I will recommend it to some of my other friends who do use such programs in their work. Keep it up! :-)  It looks very nice! :-)



Are you talking about AutoTrace feature in DrawPlus? You can't just convert a raster image to SVG (vector). 

With regards to "select what to detach from the image", you have selection tools available in the Pixel persona. That would allow you to select and cut the pixels from an image.

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