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Replace Photo

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I attempted to export to PDF and saw a message that some of the resource links were missing or out of date. Looking at the Resource Manager list, I found 5 or 6 photos with missing links. Now, this seems strange since the source files and names have not changed in several weeks. However, I continued on to Replace Photo for each one of those and, as I did, the Resource Manager marked them as linked again.

So that might be a small bug in the Resource Manager - thinking something has changed but in reality has not changed.

I also noted when updating an image in the source files, AFPUB dutifully notifies the user that an image was changed outside of the application. And that message has a button to open the Resource Manager. Instead of replacing the image automatically (as AFPUB used to do in beta) the image is kept without change until the user forcefully executes a Replace Image. It's a bit unexpected - to have to manually do that, but I suppose that it guarantees user intervention if the need arises.

However, I noted that replacing the existing photo with the SAME photo caused the replaced image to stretch out of proportion. The reason is that the original photo was not marked as properties of "Scale to Max Fit" (NULL value in that dialogue). As soon as I scaled to max fit, the image was back to normal.

It's a small bug with an easy workaround and may be "as intended' - just wanted to report that small issue.

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  • 2 months later...
  • Staff

Sorry for the late reply,

Have you seen images incorrectly be reported as missing since this was posted? There is an issue with embedded images being treated as linked in some ways in 1.7.2 but this doesn't sound like what you are experiencing.


However, I noted that replacing the existing photo with the SAME photo caused the replaced image to stretch out of proportion. The reason is that the original photo was not marked as properties of "Scale to Max Fit" (NULL value in that dialogue). As soon as I scaled to max fit, the image was back to normal.

Can you clarify if you can reproduce this? If i have a picture frame set to scale to max fit replacing with a new/existing image retains that property

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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I have not seen the Resource Manager reporting missing images since the original post.

I have a movie screen capture that shows the problem (attached). In this particular case, which I think is representative, the same zoom "appears" to be in force. That is, the photo is still zoomed "in" closer and you can see the full photo when you click and hold the "compass" icon that permits you to move the photo within the Picture Frame. But the photo is stretched vertically. Of course, the properties of the photo are set to "none" since it was manually zoomed. Zooming in and out or moving the photo does not "fix" the aspect ratio. To repair it, you have to first scale to fit and then zoom in again.

It seems that the change in aspect ratio might be the only difference (squeezed in from side to side). If the s/w did not do that, the replacement might have been exactly the same appearance. I have seen this many times when I "move" photos around to different picture frames using the "replace image" button.

It's repeatable - I can "fix" the replaced photo (scale to fit, then zoom in again - that zooming changes the photo properties to "none") and then replace it and the same change in aspect ratio "squeeze" happens again.

However, if you change the photo outside AFPUB (it's linked to a file folder) the photo appears unchanged after the system automatically replaces the photo, except for any retouching you might have done. So replacing manually through the UI seems to be differently handled than the automatic way.

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I wanted to add a different issue here, but related in a way.

All of my photos are added to a just-created picture frame that is highlighted. So, for the most part, that photo stays "attached" to the frame and the frame governs what you see and how you can move the photo.

Sometimes, though, I click the picture and try to move it (using the "compass" icon) only to realize that the photo has become somehow separated from the picture frame and is free to move over the document without the constraints of the frame. The bar above (where you would normally see frame qualities) now appears with a different set of buttons that are probably just for isolated photos that are not in frames. There are two issues here. The first is that I have no idea how that happens (is it part of the programming? how does one initiate that separation?). Then comes the trick - how to get it back "into" the frame again? I think all I had to do was to "fit" the photo into the frame again while the frame was highlighted.

It happens rarely - perhaps just the way I click or move the mouse. I have only seen it happen about 4 times in several months. So I'm not sure if it is user error/ignorance or some errant piece of code. Thanks!

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