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Text Styles Crashing Publisher

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Not sure the beta build will work for you. I, too, have had problems with the Text Styles/Para Styles Panels. At times creating a style, other times, as you mention, hitting the tab or undocking the panel.

Many fixes have been tackled in this beta build and kudos to the support assistance, developer notes, etc.; Affinity Serif is definitely in it for the long haul, providing a quality family of software as well as the responsive support that goes with it.

Try the beta build for yourself; however, if even looking at the Text Style Panels is causing crashes, we'll all need to be patient. 

iMac (late 2013), 3.2 GHz Intel Core i5, 32GB Ram, Mac OS Mojave 10.14.5, Running Affinity Photo, Publisher. Running Adobe CS5.5 on external disk with Mavericks...when the bugs abate in Publisher, last line not needed.

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Sometimes this is due to a bug rendering a specific style for the Show Samples option. If you have that enabled, a workaround may be to turn it off. (Might need to use Text > Text Styles  > Detach and Delete All Styles first to get to where you can do that without crashing, then undo.)

If that fixes it, could you upload an empty document with the text styles that shows the problem, so we can see what's causing it? I'm aware of it happening with Align to Spine, and also large right indents. The former should be fixed in the current beta, so it may be worth trying that, too.

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Thanks for your reply, Dave. Disabling Show Samples (following your suggestion) seems to work, and Align to Spine appears to be the culprit. When I changed Align to Spine in the style that was using it to Justify Right, the text style tab stopped crashing, without having to turn off Show Samples.

Thanks again. I like this software.

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