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[Duplicate] Reading PSD file with hidden layers, then exporting back to PSD is broken

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This bug still exists as of 7/3/2019 with the latest version of Affinity Photo.

When I load a photoshop 2018 file in Affinity Photo (original-photoshop-file.psd), the hidden (unchecked) layers are there and everything looks good. But when I then export the same file back out to PSD format (choosing Preset: PSD Preserve Accuracy), the hidden (unchecked) layers don't get saved correctly. I've verified this by loading the exported file back in Photoshop 2018, and the hidden layers were blank.

I also noticed the file size was smaller (original PSD file was 155K and the re-exported file from Affinity Photo was only 109K).



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Hi @Jeff123,

Sorry for the delayed reply and welcome to the forums. 

I can see you have already posted here:

We have already acknowledged this issue so there was no need to create a new thread with the same issue. In this case, it was sufficient just to leave a comment as you did :)

Closed as a duplicate



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