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I did the update to the 1.7.0 version. When I export a CMYK .afdesign file to PNG, the 100% white background I made turn into a “yellowish/greyish” white after exporting. It also does it with every other colors. They become duller and not the same as in the .afdesign file I've created. In my Windows folder, it's the same thing. All the previews of my CMYK .afdesign files shows wrong colors.

So i've chosen to reinstall the 1.6.5
But it do the same thing again !

I didn't had this issue before doing the update to the 1.7.0 version. And with RGB I don't have this problem.

I'm on Windows 7, (64 bits)

Can someone help me please? It's stressing me a lot. Colorimetry is already enough difficult when there is no problem...



PNG can' t be CMYK, it's always RVB, you need to check your export profile for those files.

And about the yellow previews, perhaps this will help:



Thanks for your quick reply!


I already did some export of CMYK .afdesign files to PNG. My white was always white after it, and the colors where the exact same ones as in my .adfesign file , before updating to 1.7.0 version.

I read this post and apply the given advices, but it didn't worked..


It seems to be an issue related to colorimetric profiles. When I select Fogra, the White appears whiter than with US web coated profile in the prewiew. But still not 100% white as in my .afdesign file...

Really weird because 100% white exists in all profiles


That's the profile of your document, since you can only export to PNG in RVB with RVB profiles.

It seems there's a colours conversion when you export. I don't have this problem on Win7. Did you checked AP or AD colours setting (preferences > colours)?


yes I checked, and tried to change the colors preferences.

In the previews of windows 7, I have this issue with .afdesign files that I didn't converted or exported

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