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One thing I would really like to see is the option to add zoom buttons to the toolbar.  100%, 200%, Fit to screen, Actual Size, +, -, etc.   I really miss having this and I know there are keyboard shortcuts, but otherwise it's the menu: View -> Zoom -> Zoom to Fit for example which is tedious.  Please consider adding.

  • Staff

Hi jaynlisa,
Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
Thank you for your feedback. I don't know if you are already aware but you can also click and drag (left or right) with the Zoom Tool selected to zoom in/out. If you press and hold ALT before dragging you can also draw a marquee to set the area for the zoom in. Additionaly double-clicking the Zoom Tool icon in the toolbar on the left also set the zoom to 100%. Hope it helps little.


Thanks for the welcome!  I checked out your suggestions and they help somewhat.  I also changed the default for the "Use mouse wheel to zoom" to do zooming in the Tools section of preferences (why isn't this in the User Interface section by the way?)  Just to be clear, in my original post I was referring to the top horizontal tool bar for the zoom icons (as opposed to the side vertical toolbar).  I know you can customize that, but I couldn't find any of the zoom functions in the customization.


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