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Strange Layer Behavior

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On 6/1/2019 at 8:09 PM, Engine44 said:

I have two visible layers at this time. The top layer is a bird and the lower level is background.  Somehow, a bit of the lower level is on top of the bird.  How is this possible?


Looking at the marching ants selection box for the Heron, I would say you have over refined your selection covering too much of the wings and body which has made them transparent. Try doing the bird selection again but next time when you refine the edges use a smaller brush size zoomed in on the edges so that you don’t make the body transparent.


Affinity Photo, Designer, Publisher 1.10 and 2.5 on macOS 15.0 Beta Sequoia on M1 Mac Mini 16GB 1TB
Affinity Photo, Designer, Publisher 1.10 and 2.5 on  Windows 10 Pro.  (revived !)
Affinity Photo, Designer, Publisher 2.5 on M1 iPad Pro 11” on iPadOS beta 18(22A5326f) 




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1 hour ago, Paul Mudditt said:

Looking at the marching ants selection box for the Heron, I would say you have over refined your selection covering too much of the wings and body which has made them transparent. Try doing the bird selection again but next time when you refine the edges use a smaller brush size zoomed in on the edges so that you don’t make the body transparent.

Thank you.

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