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AfPub - Colours

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Is this a Bug, something I am doing incorrectly or a feature that does not exist?

The attached Pages document has been used to preserve the displayed Colours.

In AfPub dependent on using either the Original File [brighter colour Blue] or a freshly opened New File [dull coloured Blue] the colours are dictated by the File chosen.

I cannot find a way to migrate the Colour Settings from one File to another File, so my workaround has been to create a 'Standard Colour File', from the original File mentioned, and use it as a Template. I am just looking to have 'my' chosen colours available on Files being created.

An alternative workaround would be to add the desired Colours to the Apple Colour Picker and use that instead of the AfPub facility?

AfPub - COLOUR TEST.pages

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Thanks for your input Mac_heibu.

The settings for both 'seem' to be identical?

I have not been able to access the same result on any New File by altering any of the settings, they all 'seem' to be affected, so I came up with workarounds.


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Very interesting video thank you.

I am accessing Settings for Colour Change via the Colour Panel, at the top of the Righthand Studio, shown in my ScreenShots. My kit consists of Mac Pro 5.1 with modified Graphics Card and runs High Sierra 10.13.6. It is possible that older equipment may present some differences but I have no way to verify what those differences might be.

I have not been able to find any other Colour Picker except via:

> Affinity Publisher Beta > View > Apple Colour Picker       and assume that this is where alternative Colour Pickers would reside.

The appearance of your display, as shown in the video has many differences compared to the display available to me. Are you using AfPub running on a Mac?

If you are using the same hardware + software please can you direct me how to navigate to the opening shot in your video?

What I am saying about using the Colour Picker, i.e., seemingly the ONLY Colour Picker available to me, is that all the settings are the same on both of the Files being discussed.

You can observe that the Slider Settings and choice of RBG are identical but that the New File Blue is not the same as the Original File Blue. This is the problem.

If you activate the Menu Icon Dropdown, top and right most in the ScreenShots, the settings there are identical on both Files. Similarly activate the Options [Up/Down Arrow Heads] on the RGB Field and those settings are also identical. As far as I am aware at this point there are nil further options for these Settings.


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Having updated to AfPub the difference in the Blue Colour persists.

Attached are two AfPub Files, one being effectively my 'template' that presents preferred colours and the other opened as a New File.

Please note that the Original File, from which the  'template' was derived, was created quite some time ago but I have no record of the Build/Release Number.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.

Geez Colour Settings.afpub

New File Colour Settings.afpub

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You did read my posting? Doesn’t seem so.

The document "Geez Colour Settings.afpub“ is set up as an RGB document, „New File Colour Settings.afpub“ uses CMYK colours.

Use „File/Document Setup“ to correct this.

So, no bug at all, but simply improper usage. :)

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