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Photo - Are there more Shapes?

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I am Doing everything in my power to switch completely over from Adobe to Photo - so Today I'm going to ask all my questions - and I'm getting this done! 

In Adobe there are 100's of shapes. In Photo, there are like 10. 

1. Are there more Shapes that can be downloaded for Photo? 

2. If 1 == true, can you point me in their direction? 

3.  If 1 == true && 2 == true, can you provide a good tutorial on installing said shapes? 

Thank you


Windows 10 | Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher | Super Power: ADHD | Instagram - Twitter | Code: HTML, CSS, PHP, JavaScript, Node, Lua, Kodular,  Stencyl & Unreal

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I count 20 different shapes in Affinity Photo. All shapes have parameters. For instance, the Polygon shape lets you identify the number of sides, but also does it let you change the curves of the sides as well as smooth the points. Also, in version 1.7 (currently in Beta), you can choose from a number of pre-sets or create your own.

As far as i know you can't import shapes (e.g. a plane icon). In Affinity Designer you can create your own assets, though.

Affinity Photo - Affinity Designer - Affinity Publisher | macOS Sonoma (14.5) on 16GB MBP14 2021 with 2.5.X versions

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