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Update Installer issue

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If you have just opened a Publisher project and are notified there is a new update, the system freezes if there are any missing resources such as a temp composite in Publisher. You can't install the update or get the system to do anything at that point. The only way I have found to clear the freeze is to move the installer window aside then move the Startup splash page to see the Publisher error box that is asking me to find the missing resource. Only if you cancel the resource search can you then close the start-up splash page and then finally get to the update installer. The error box is hidden behind two larger windows and I only found the problem by randomly moving things around trying to get the system to respond. I couldn't see I had an error. We need to have the installer be the top priority and not let the Publisher error override the installation. Otherwise the user is stalled and will most likely quit the install and the program.

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Hi @rfrew

Thanks for reporting this, you are correct the resource dialog seems to be taking priority and it isn't obvious it exists when hidden behind the auto update dialog.

I've logged this for the developers.

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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