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Different sequencing to different list types

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Right now, when you have a list paragraph right after another, the latter continues the sequence of the former, like:

1. yada yada

2. blah blah

C. nag nag

This logic is, at least to me, wrong, as the change of list type should automatically signal different sequence. I just can't imagine a situation where you'd want the sequence to carry over from numerical to alphabetical, so having to change levels or to create global lists to prevent this is more of a hassle.

This is counterintuitive, especially when you just want to make quick lists locally without having to create list styles.

So I suggest that you change the behaviour so that when the list type changes, the sequencing starts over. Either that or do it like Word does: handle all the consecutive paragraphs with the same list sequence as one list and change the numbering style to all paragraphs is one is changed. That is, IMHO, the inferior (Microsofty) way to do it.


iMac 27" Retina 2017, 3,4 GHz Intel Core i5, 8 GB 2400 MHz DDR4, OS X Mojave | Long-time Adobe veteran (I still remember Aldus Pagemaker, HA!), making the big move after going freelance. Running Publisher Beta along with Designer and Photo desktop versions. Loving what you guys are doing.

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On its own this request removes flexibility without adding functionality.

I would expect that separate lists would be separated in a document by at least a blank paragraph (I haven't explicitly checked this but if that is not happening it should be), and the intervening paragraph should reset the numbering, eliminating the problem.

A numbering reset can also be manually issued if the intervening paragraph is not wanted for some reason.


Instead of losing the current flexibility, I would suggest instead that a preference be provided to automatically insert a numbering reset when changing the list style.  This would retain the current flexibility when that option is turned off, but provide the logical equivalent of the requested behavior when turned on.

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