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Hi everyone,

I would like to use Affinity Designer on a Surface Pro 6. I could only find some old comments to this topic, in which users described some problems using the software on a Surface and especially when using the Surface Pen.

Is there anyone using Affinity Designer on a newer model of Surface Pro (6 or 2017) and working with the new Microsoft Surface Pen, who would share his ecperience?

What do you recommend to install on the Surface: Desktop version or App version?

I really appreciate your help!

Thanks a lot!


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Hi Stefan Winter,

Welcome to the forums :)

The Surface Pro 6 is compatible with Affinity Designer, the choice is yours in regards to the Affinity Store version over the Microsoft Store, however do be advised that the Microsoft Store version is sandboxed and the purchase is linked directly to your Microsoft account due to the way Microsoft distributes apps from their store.

In regards to the Surface Pen, it is compatible with Affinity and we're not aware of any major issues currently. I'm not a personal user of the Surface Pen however so other users may have more to add here. The most requested change for the Surface range on our forums is for a different UI that is more touch friendly, for example in the below thread -

I hope this helps!

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Hi Dan, 

Thank you very much for your response!

This definitily helped, however it raised some more/other questions :D

So did I get you right, that it would be the better option to get the Affinity Store Version (= the version I can download on the website, right?)? Are there any differences to the Microsoft store version regarding UI, functionalities, etc.? I‘m really sorry for all my questions - I am totally new to this. That is way I would like to ask you what exactly you mean by „sandboxed“? Is it a disadvantage?

Thank you very much for the link. Can you already tell when there will be an improved UI?

Again, thank you so much for your help!


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No problem at all :)

I would say there is no definitive 'best' option, but the Affinity Store version is slightly less limited as it's a standalone .exe rather than a sandboxed app.

On 3/2/2019 at 4:31 PM, Stefan Winter said:

Are there any differences to the Microsoft store version regarding UI, functionalities, etc.?

There are no UI differences or functionality in terms of in-app editing, but you may be limited if you're trying to launch Affinity as an external editor if you purchase the Microsoft Store version. I recommend checking out the following thread regarding the Microsoft Store and sandboxing -

On 3/2/2019 at 4:31 PM, Stefan Winter said:

Can you already tell when there will be an improved UI?

We don't have one planned currently, or a timescale in mind but it certainly is something we're considering for a future update :) 

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