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Affinity for "pixel-exact" GUI-creating????

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For GUI-creating you need EXTRAORDINARY pixel/space-correctness. 

My GRID is very hard, my other settings are "quantized" to hard-pixel... but if try to export a group... i uses-less stuff like this: Well its a special "make-nice" interpol/enhancement/algorithm and maybe in 95% what even I want. BUT for such special case i don NOT want any kind of interpolation or other kinds of "smartness".


(forget the outframes, and no a corrected pixel-offset will create exactly same  "interpolation/blur"...)... i cant better show... just see the "lines" for what i mean...)!

Bothe "boxes" are pixel-exports... the first one is a default-export  "without" any "smart stuff". The second-box is the default,  AUTOMACALLY  "smart" interploated output, WITHOUT any possibility  to say "no, thanks, please just pixel-correct"... from AP.   Fisrt one comes free KNOBMAN, second one is AP - what a "smart" , not "sa no thanks-possibility" "regress!

BTW: why can the EXPLICIT-Ppipette not sample from everywhere on the desktop? So this is just an "near-by" but i guess, its the same "smartness" with 100% exact-color..." )

Bildschirmfoto 2019-02-19 um 21.39.44.png


If not clear: my "hard-pixeled" object is 31x1, but the regular export will ONLY offer this "smart" interpolation-output (nope, thats not JUST a frame... thats "smart" interpoliation, without the possibility to UNCHECK!) . True, mostly i want an interpolition, but in maybe 20% I DO NOT WANT! A changing here (size/größe) will much more"interploate", but in this "seldom" case, i do not want ANY "smart" interpolition,  i just want extrem HARD pixel-output!



Bildschirmfoto 2019-02-19 um 20.36.23.png


Well, there is the export-persona, but just for ONE "fast/dirty" its many overkilled. And even than... I want luv, that the (regularly) export-dialog remember last setting (doc, selection with, selection without) and that this dialog offers the possibility "as EXAKT as selection" and offering to ADD (not stretch all)  "invisible" pixels plus 1,2 pixels... or (and ) "quantized" to grid (even if invisble)... 

Do not get me wrong, i´m some happy with 1.7 the Export-Persona...  FRAMES can now JUST ADD invisible pixel, instead to stretch the content... thats made AP a little bit more usable for PIXEL-EXACT/GUI-WORK...  and in 80% i want of course a smart interpolition, but there are such 20% cases i really hate this, and just want "QUNATIZE/GRID".

I do not know, is this AD better? Thats, plus a preview how will the stuff look IF pixel, that  would really be a reason to buy AD too! 


OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

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Hi Polygonius,

Could you attach the .afdesign file for this.  

Having read this post a number of times, i'm not 100% sure what the issue is BUT i think what you are saying is happening, you have a design at 31 pixels by 1 pixel but when exporting the file is showing as 33 x 2 pixels.  I suspect this will be something to do with whole pixels but will be able to tell more once i have the file.

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