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I have a .psd created in photoshop elements. It opens ok in Affinity photo. I am having trouble getting the exported pdf to show text as a vector (with zero pixelation when zoomed in). Can you please tell me what settings I should use during export to make sure text has zero pixelation when zoomed in? When I export the same .psd using photoshop elements, the resulting .pdf renders the text as a vector so I know its not a problem with my design setup. Also my print company recommends pdf/x-4 as the output profile but that preset in affinity photo produces a text with pixelated edges. The only change I made to the psd file in affinity photo was a conversion to cmyk color profile. I would like to start using affinity photo by default but need to be able to confidently render psd files to pdf with the text output as vector with no pixelation. Also I notice when I change the setting to "no rasterization" when outputting to pdf from .psd, it ignores any clipping masks applied so the image is not as intended. Can you please advise settings to try in this situation. Thanks so much.

  • Staff

Can you PM me a link to your file so I can take a look? Does the text layer in Affinity show as having any FX or gradient fills applied?


Hi Lee, thanks for getting back with me. I found the solution for the text issue. By default, under Preferences/General the "import .psd test as text instead of bitmap" is de-checked. You must go in and check this box. A consideration might be to have this checked by default to avoid troubleshooting and some possible confusion. Just my personal opinion but I would think most would want the highest possible output text by default when producing documents. As far as the no rasterization issue, Im guessing that affinity must not convert clipping mask as an editable action but only as an output when converting .psd to output formats. Its not really a problem for me, I just discovered it by disabling any rasterization in the export process while trying to troubleshoot the text output issue. No need for me to disable raster in output now though. Does affinity phhoto support clipping mask as an editable action?

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