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How to disable magicmouse swipes?

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Thanks MEB. Thats really pitty. With a normal wheel-mice it does not annoying, cause a "mistake" is nearly impossible. But with the MM there a lot of "mistakes" and its really nasty! 

I would use instead special morefinger/Bettertouchtool-swipes for custom-actions... So please make an option to disable standard-swipe =  hand-tool.


BTW: There are lot of other things which would be better an OPTION, than a "holy", not changeable factory static default. 

BTT works quite well with AP :-) Even small sequences, like "create new pixel"+"fill with foreground"+"select brush".... with just one key (or combi).... Its really powerful!

OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

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