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Better Rotate and Shear Precision in AD Please!

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I'm so glad I can choose the precision of X, Y, W and H parameters up to 6 decimal places for Transform operations in vector drawings, but too often find the severely limited precision of Rotate to be so problematic that I have to use Inkscape for high precision vector rotation (as well as for drawing and manipulating spirals). I'm sure I'm not alone in wanting to stay in Affinity Designer for all my vector drawing needs - especially as using Inkscape drives me up the wall !

All the best,


Spiral 1 Example.svg

Spiral 2 Example.svg

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Welcome to the Serif Affinity Forums, Marcus. :)

The display precision for the Rotation value is limited, but as far as I’m aware the internal precision is the same as that of pretty much any other numerical value in the Affinity apps. Instead of typing a bunch of decimal places you can use an expression such as 12/35, if that helps.

Alfred spacer.png
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for Windows • Windows 10 Home/Pro
Affinity Designer/Photo/Publisher 2 for iPad • iPadOS 17.5.1 (iPad 7th gen)

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Hello Alfred,

thanks for the tips. I remember doing some rough and ready test in 2015 when I started using AD, to see if data entry & internal precision for the Rotate amount was any better than its display precision. Well somehow, I can't remember how, I convinced myself that high-precision data entry for Rotate wasn't the thing to do, and went cursing and muttering back to Inkscape as need arose. I've just run a couple of simple tests and proved that AD's Rotate transforms can indeed resolve much better than 0.1º. I'll eventually satisfy myself with more elaborate tests addressing precision limits, but I'm happy for now. And I certainly didn't know about the facility to enter integer fractions in Rotate, so yes it helps - I'm sure I'll occasionally find use for that.



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