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Hello everyone, 

My printer is asking me this :

Add a direct tone (spot color ??) on the copy upper to copies CMJN.

  •  Name the direct tone "varnish".
  • The file of impression can contain only one direct tone.
  • The direct tone has a tonal value of 100 % 
  • The graphic elements or the surfaces with direct tone must be set via the function "activated overprint".

I don't understand how I can do that, because I can't find the direct tone, and show the different layers of the spot color.

I watched tutorials of spot color, etc but still not able to do that. I need to do that in order to print business cards.

Could you help me ? Thank you, and best regards ! 

  • Staff

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)
You have to create a new layer on top of your design with shape/elements covering the area(s) that will have the varnish effect applied then apply the spot colour (called varnish in your case) to it (them). If you want to apply the varnish/effect to existing objects on your design, duplicate them, place the duplicates in the new layer you created on top and apply the varnish spot colour to the duplicates.

To create a spot colour go to the swatches panel on the right of the interface, click the small menu icon on the top left and select Add Document Palette (if you aren't using one already). Click the same menu icon again and select Add Global Colour, name it varnish on the top of the Global Colour dialog, tick the Spot and Overprint boxes.



Ok thank you so much for your quick answer ! I already did what you said after watching a tutorial from Affinity. But I don't know if the varnish (vernis in printscreen) is applied. How can I know that ? If I export in PDF, do I have to tick "Include bleed" and "Printer marks" ? Thank you


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