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I saw a video (german language) to create a design grid, now I was wondering how to implement it in the publisher, how do I start after I have created an A4 page.
Adobe Indesign Training: Creating the Design Grid - Borders, Columns, and Register Keeping.
who can give me a jump start help (small tutorial or show me the right panel)

Thank you (and my english is a bit bumpy, but I know you understand me, thanks


For doing this, you'll need to set a document grid (better than a frame's grid), since it's set once and for all pages, you'll need a texte frame with colums and forms the same width as those columns.

To set your columns (note the width of your columns):



You show and set your page's grid here:
(Dont forget to have snapping enabled)






Now you can add a first rectangle:
(it need to be the same width as your columns, snap it to the grid)


Next part, duplicate it once (ctrl+J) and put this new rectangle next to the first.
Keep on hitting ctrl+J to dupplicate until you've got a full row of rectangles.

Make sure the first one and the last one snapped to ggrid correctly, and use the Alignment options so they would be evenly placed.



Keep this row selected, and dupplicate it, put them below, and use ctrl+J again to populate your page.



Done! :)


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