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"no color" for what its usfuel?

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Well, there is an option to set the foreground to "no color" - it will indicated as white (without the red-stroke), and thats really confusing.... 

However, for what is this "transparent" color? I´m looking for a fast solution to "de-pixel" the current REAL layer, maybe by the CURRENT brush... but it does not work with that "color", even is the layer is set to "erase"....

So for what is this "NO-color" is used for and why is the "SETbox" shwoing solide white instead the stroke-symbol LIKE in the "palette"??? ) (i tried some blends... but the no-color will neither erase nor paint.... it does nothing!!!!!)


BTW: How can i "de-brush"  (de-pixel) areas of a SOLIDE layer (not as white, as transparent)??? Well i can erase... but than i will often lost my last (real) brush.... Is there a "mask-like-function WITHOUT any mask, just on this layer..."no color" disappear, white appear... or similar on a SOLIDE layer, without changing brush/erase...???) 

OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

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