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I´m not really familiar with this.

1. How can i delete one or several  "slice" in the layer or slice-tab? I want a reseted slice dialog! I do not want to see "is exported" in layer tab or this old slices in the slice-tab....

2. Is it possible to run-batch a macro as part of the export-job? Lets say i have dozens of layers and want one macro applying to it. I can do in pixel-persona for each separately but not as batch. (Batch does not accept layers, just existing files). 


EDIT: ok, #1 is solved. Mark it (or them) and delete via back-key.

Any idea for #2?  And BTW: What means the checker  "continues" (or maybe accumulate...)  in the bottom of the slice-tab???


OSX 12.5  / iMac Retina 27" / Radeon Pro 580X / Metall: on! --- WWG1WGA WW!

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Hi Polygonius,

For question number 2:

It's not possible to run a Macro as part of the export job.  

Continues will keep exporting a slice as and when changes are made to it.  So if you set a slice as 100x100 and export it.  If you then enable Continuous, if you then change the size of that slice to say 500x500 it will be re-exported automatically. 

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