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Unable to open Fuji X-H1 RAF file on Affinity Photo 1.6.8

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Hi there, I was travelling this weekend with my 10.9” iPad Pro (running latest version of iOS), and was unable to open RAF files from my Fuji X-H1 in Affinity Photo (latest version 1.6.8).

I had uploaded the files to Apple Photos using the SD card camera connection kit. When I select “Import from Photos” I can see the files, and it allows me to import, however I then get a blank canvas in AF, and the top of the screen says “RAW - No Camera data - ISO 0 f 0 0mm - - - s”

I’ve previously been able to open files OK, so this seems to be a recent issue. I’ve tried opening files that previously opened and get the same result, indicating an issue with AF rather than the files themselves.

Any suggestions? 

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Hi Enigma,

Affinity Photo on iPad uses Apples Core RAW engine on desktop we use our own by default but you can also use engine. I would imagine that Apple don't support this type of RAW file yet so at the moment they are incompatible with Affinity photo on iPad.



Please tag me using @ in your reply so I can be sure to respond ASAP.

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Hi Callum,

Thanks for replying. Apple's RAW engine does support the X-H1 (see https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT207972) and I'm able to open these files in the Apple Photos app on iPad and perform basic edits. It's only when I import the file into AF that I see this behaviour. Also, I've previously been able to open these files on AF on iPad, so I suspect a bug has crept into a recent release.

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Actually, let me investigate further. I'm using the Lossless Compressed RAW format on Fuji and I think Apple's RAW converter may be incompatible. The web page I linked above makes no mention of this. I notice that when I open the Fuji file in Apple Photos on the desktop it's actually using the JPEG and when I try to "Use RAW as Original" I get an error saying "Cannot Switch Original - Photos cannot switch to the original because the RAW is unsupported."

So it makes me wonder if Apple Photos on the iPad is actually using the JPEG, even though it clearly displays "RAW" against the image.

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OK I just took a shot using uncompressed RAW and imported to Apple Photos using the SD Card Adapter. I was able to import into Affinity Photo on the iPad without any problems. So it looks like the issue is with the compressed RAW format. I'll raise a feedback request with Apple, since their list of supported RAW format doesn't mention any issues with the compressed format. (It does have footnotes for some cameras, but not for most of the Fuji models).

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Having a similar problem opening files from my Fuji X-H1.  I confirmed that the files are uncompressed. I’m using an iPad Pro with IOS 11 (which does support Fuji X-H1 files).  When I try to open the file, the screen is blank (black) and the upper left has the correct information for the camera and the lens used - just no image.  Attached is a screenshot.

Any idea what I’m doing wrong??



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