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Is there a way to set the defaults you like to work with; fonts, sizes, rectangle corners, strokes, fills, line joins, etc.?


I was working redoing an old logo that required a 14-point stroke on a rectangle with no fill. What I ended up with was rounded corners. By playing I changed the miter to 1 for a nice bevel and finally to 4 which worked. I just looked at the Cap, Join and Align buttons which was an easier fix, doh! I see that the default is set to be Round Join. I'd rarely use that and might use a Rounded Rectangle first. So how do I change the default to Miter Join?


How do I change other defaults?


The Synchronize Defaults button only seems to work within the document you use it in, I'd like a global change feature? Should this be a feature request?



"You're never too old to create refrigerator art..." - crosbymultimedia.com <- site's being tweaked. "I have been wrong before."

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