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Vector files exported by AD are at least twice as big as the same file exported by Adobe Illustrator.
I've just now exported a logo: 28.108 bytes with AD ("SVG for web"), 15.365 10.663 bytes with AI. (Updated: Smaller file had display errors)


Small files sizes are IMHO still important when exporting graphics for the web...
Can we expect improvements in this case?

  • 2 weeks later...

I must concur, SVG for web file size are rather large and I think that there is room for improvement.


I found out that Affinity Designer uses Path almost everywhere even when there is a native SVG alternative.

Here is an exemple to illustrate my point : a rectangle with rounded borders (single radius).

<!-- Affinity -->
<path d="M257.5,63.022c0,-11.038 -8.962,-19.999 -20,-19.999l-175,0c-11.038,0 -20,8.961 -20,19.999l0,175.001c0,11.038 8.962,20 20,20l175,0c11.038,0 20,-8.962 20,-20l0,-175.001Z"/>

<!-- Native SVG -->
<rect x="43" y="43" width="215" height="215" rx="20" ry="20"/>


I know that you are out of luck if the rectangle has not a single radius : then you need to use a path. But even if you only tacle this it would yield a serious optimisation for images using rounded rectangles.

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