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Opening PDF in AD with subsetted fonts embedded

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Any news on the issue that Designer (and Photo) don't open the embedded (subsetted) fonts of PDF files and I have to ? Last discussion on this "missing feature" was in december 2016, followed by some posts regarding this in March 2017. It would be a great relief if this would be included in the next release, due 1.6 does also not support opening embeded/subsetted fonts when opening.

Also it is not possible if a PDF with missing fonts ist placed to holde them as missing an search and replace them later.

iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), i7 4.2, Radeon 580 Pro 8 GB, 40 GB DDR4-RAM, 1 TB Flash, macOS 10.14.6

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Hi Markus,


No change on this i'm afraid.  As Dave Harris has said here it will be some time before we see this in Designer.


Designer doesn't have a search and replace feature, so it wouldn't be possible to search and replace missing fonts.  

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Thanks for the reply stokerg, I musst have overlooked that post :-(

Anyway this is no good news. But I mostly can live with it due I make most of the documents by myself. But sometimes I got documents by customers, and surely I got PDF from them, with exotical fonts used (embedded/subsetted).

So I tried a little test: I used a font in a Designer document and saved it as designer and X3 document - afterwards I deactivated the font and made a new document. I placed the PDF an the font was replaced by a default without any warning, so if I didn't know what font and where used I got no change to see the difference (especially if the PDF have more pages). If I placed the Designer document it bravely asked my (one time) about the missing font. That ist a great source of mistakes. In Designer it might not to bad, but Dave wrote that Publisher 1.x also will not have the possibilities of passing (subsettet/embedded) fonts through and/or ask for replacing. But that is one of the very important things that are a must be. And (ok, nowadays I mostly use Mac) if I use the good old PagePlus 9 it works.

Is there really no workaround and/or chance to solve this? If I need the full Acrobat suite to convert all fonts in a PDF to curves (for safety) that will be not helpfull.

It is a long and sometimes hard way to develop a new software suite, so I keep the thumbs up - knowning you're doing the best you can. Thanks.

iMac (Retina 5K, 27-inch, 2017), i7 4.2, Radeon 580 Pro 8 GB, 40 GB DDR4-RAM, 1 TB Flash, macOS 10.14.6

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