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Missing Function

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I'm new an maybe this has been discussed. I use Photoshop for years and I really like Affinty Photo as alternativ.

Best thing is that lot of things feel the same. So I can use all the short cuts I know for years.

But here are some things I really miss during beta testing of Affinty Photo for Windows:

1st selection


- filling a selection with primary or secondary colour (short cut? e.g. Photoshop ctrl / alt + del)

- enlarge selection in Affinty Photo (drag + right click) doesn't work

- I can move a selected part of a layer/ image by draging selection + pressing ctrl but I can't copy (e.g. Photoshop ctrl + alt + drag)

- moving the selection exactly horizontal / vertical or diagonal is not possible (e.g. Photoshop by pressing shift + drag)


2nd measure tool


a tool (for measuring distances / angles) I didn't find!

also a useful function to rotate the image by a certain angle measured with such a tool I didn't find

3nd info palette?

Does an info palette exists where I can see by moving the mouse → coordinates, color values + possibility to change the displayed values according mm / px .. RGB /CMYK /Lab

The transformation palette goes a bit into what I mean


Maybe I didn't find out yet.





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Hi Christian,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

1. Please take a look at Affinity Photo Preferences, Shortcuts section. You can set shortcuts for a few actions there, although not all you mentioned are currently possible.

2. There's no tool to measure angles. Press ctrl and mouse hover objects to display distances. You can use the Transform panel to rotate an image (the "R" input field). Make sure you set the anchor point as you wish on the left.

3. Go to menu View ▸ Studio ▸ Info

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