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Save/Export paths direct back to original Lightroom directory

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I currently use Lightroom along with Photoshop Elements for layers and the other Photoshopy features in Windows10.


I'd like to replace PSE with AP.  However, I'm having one major issue with it. 


Right now in LR when I want to open an image in PSE, I right click on the image, select 'Edit In' and then select PSE.


The image opens in PSE, I do my editing, then I can click File>Save and it saves the TIFF back in the original LR folder in my LR library (great).



However, with AP this isn't functioning the same.


I can select 'Edit In' and then AP in LR, the image still opens in AP, I can do my editing.  But when I go to File>Save it tries to save some afphoto file and its not even in the LR directory.   I select Export in AP and it brings up a generic dialog for various export file types and is not pointing to my original LR directory. arrrrgh :(


I just want AP to automatically know to point back to the original folder when I try to save a file that was first launched into AP by a call from LR (just as PSE functions now).

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