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Just one follow up questions? What is the difference between the Width and Thickness control? Thickness works great on the line but width seems to stop under 2pts.

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"

Dell Inspiron 5570 i5-8250u | 8gb | SSD.m2 | Win 10 Pro 64

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The Width changes the thickness of the stroke around the whole arrow shape, while the Thickness change the "thickness" of the line between the two (arrow) ends.

What do you mean with "but width seems to stop under 2pts"? The slider values should vary between 0 and 100pt (or other unit depending on document setup). You can also write a value bigger than 100 in the input field if needed.

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I understand now and that explains all. Far more flexible and easier than PS to me. Under 2pts does work now I understand.


Only bug (if its a bug) is that after an arrow is confirmed (click of mouse or keypad) if switches from Arrow to Node mode. Surely it should stay in Arrow mode.

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression"

Dell Inspiron 5570 i5-8250u | 8gb | SSD.m2 | Win 10 Pro 64

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