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RC10 Bleed Marging not visible

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Dear All,


when enabling for example 3 mm bleed margin I can't see this in Affinity Designer. When I adjust the size of the background to the paper size, the bleeding margin is only a white border when exporting as pdf.


It is impossible to zoom the background to the proper size (I have to raise the size beyond the visible paper size to get it in the bleeding margin. It would be better to see the enabled bleed margin like in DrawPlus or PagePlus (there I have the paper-size and an surrounding bleed marging, so I know how to create the background image.


Thanks a lot

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Hi HuTfo,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Currently Affinity doesn't have bleed preview so you can't see the bleed area defined in Document setup. This will be added in a future update/version.

The only thing you can do for now is to manually create a rectangle with the size of the document + bleed area you want, give it a thin stroke (no fill) and center it on canvas to use as a reference.

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