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[Multi] "Toolbars" and their customization

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I will put two related topics here.


1. Both the area of function buttons along the top of the screen and the area of function buttons at the left side of the screen are called "the toolbar". It would avoid confusion if they had different names (perhaps one should be called "the toolbox").


2. With regard to the left-side "toolbar": It is nice to be able to control whether its repertoire of buttons is presented in a single column or in two (or even more) columns.


If I have quite a few buttons in my left-side toolbar, and decide that I should go for a two column arrangement (perhaps because I am running out of vertical space and plan to add more buttons), and make the selection for a two-column arrangement, the buttons are repositioned in a "row-first" way. That is, if "hand" was at the top, with "arrow" just beneath it, now "hand" will be at the top of the leftmost column and "arrow" at the top of the rightmost column.


My own preference would be that in this case, the rearrangement would be "column first". In my example, "hand" would be at the top of the leftmost column and "arrow" just beneath it.


My rationale for that is this. If I have several buttons of the same category (perhaps the different shapes of selection marquees), and they were vertically consecutive in the original "single column" arrangement, then when I go to a two-column arrangement I still expect them to be vertically consecutive.


But others may prefer to think that still all the buttons should run essentially "top down" in their original sequence, just zigging and zagging between the two columns (the current arrangement in AP)


My preference may perhaps come from the fact that in several of my graphic apps, I can make multiple toolbars, and I typically make them each vertical and single column, and adjacent, so when I have two columns that is actually two single-column toolbars. And of course all "related" buttons are in a certain toolbar, so they are in the same column. And perhaps most other AP users will not have such a preference.



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Hi dougkerr,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

Thanks for your feedback. I'm moving this thread to the Feature Requests section as it has more chances to be picked/saw there than here in the flow of bug reports/issues.


Sounds good. Thanks.



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