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Exporting as PDF comes out lighter and more opaque

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I am trying to export some business cards.  I have multiple fronts (different names), and one common back.  I am able to export one of the fronts as it appears in the workflow, but all the rest of the fronts and backs comes out almost 50% opaque passthrough (or something similar).


 What am I doing wrong?


I have tried checking that all effects are off, and that all layers are grouped with opacity on 100% and normal.  I have also opened each file on its own instead of exporting as all of the fronts of the cards together.


Any hints?  


I have attached the one file of the card that is good, and the other that is faded...

Business Card - Betsy Front.pdf

Business Card - Jared Front.pdf

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Hi jateyaert

It's seems that the fonts have not been loaded, they are pixelated. Also the art looks pixelated. Though the second PDF Jared looks much better. Did you creat the art from scratch, or did you created in another application.

Somehow the background has to do with the images not looking so bright. I wider how it looks if you took a screen shot opposed to the PDF.

I'll await to see what moderator MEB has to say.

I would like to look at the original file though.



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