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feature or bug ??

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1. having some vector objects, all of them have a border

2. changing the color of any object-border

3. clicking another object and change his border-width down to zero pt and then back to that width I want, this border-color changes into that color I came from ?? What´s that, a feature or a bug ??


Trying this behavior with a text object it doesn´t work, but convert it into curves the same procedere as written in 1 - 3

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It would be alot easier to say it is a feature, but it looks like a bug to me! If you have the colour tab visible at the same time you can see it change as soon as the width reaches 0. I'd expect it to remember the colour that was set even if the width is 0. It also behaves this way on the mac version.


I'll get this logged for the developers.


Thanks for taking the time to report it!


Edit: This is actually reproducible on the mac and is already logged, just needs a slight tweak to the recipe

Serif Europe Ltd. - www.serif.com

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