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Hi everyone!

I am using the trial version of Affinity Designer 2 for my Ipad. It works great and I like the program very much. The only problem with it is That it always crashes after I want to cut out an image. Unfortunately, the cut out function is the most important for me, but unfortunately I can't use it like this . Unfortunately, I haven't found anything helpful about this yet. My iPad has the latest update and so does the app.

I'm using an Ipad 9th generation with the IOS 18.3

I would be grateful for any help!

  • Staff

Welcome to the forums @romschk,

I'd initially recommend rebooting your iPad and launching the app as fresh before trying again, as this process will close down any unnecessary background apps using system resources.

If you're able to replicate the crash using the same workflow/steps, we would be grateful if you could provide a screen recording demonstrating the crash issue, as well as a copy of the Image/Document that you were actively working on when the crash occurred. This will enable us to investigate further and confirm if the issue is replicable.

Screen record help:



@NathanC Thank you for your reply!

I will try the following steps as soon as I'm able to!

Also I'll try to take a screen recording.

Just as a small update:

Yesterday I downloaded Affinity Photo Testversion and I have the same issue here!

It doesn't matter which picture or file I choose to work on.

  • Staff

Thanks for providing the recording and sample file. Just to confirm does the crash always occur when entering selection refinement? If you were to create a new empty document and marquee/brush select a random area of the blank canvas, does this also trigger a crash? As far as I can tell it's nothing document-specific and looks more like a local environment issue on your device as I'm able to enter the refinement menu as expected on several devices using your document.

Could you also see if you're able to provide us with a few Designer crash reports? The FAQ below details how to find these.



It also happens with a new blank document - also in affinity photo.

I was able to use the tool one time. ANd since then it doesn't work anymore.

I'll report the crashes!

Thank you for your help!

  • Staff

Many thanks for providing the crash report. I'm observing references to license/registration in the report backtrace, which isn't something I expected to see based on the conditions of the crash. I'd therefore recommend following the steps below to reset the account data and de-activate the apps, before re-activating them again to see if this resolves the issue:

  1. Completely close all affinity apps/reboot your iPad
  2. Launch Designer 2 and quickly double-tap on the screen
  3. A 'Clear user data' menu will appear, check 'Reset Account Data' and 'De-activate Affinity 2 apps'
  4. Press 'Reset', and you'll be taken to the activation page
  5. Sign in with your Affinity ID to re-activate the app
  6. On the following page press 'Not Now' if it asks if you want to link the app to your Affinity store account
  7. Create a new document and try the selection refinement again

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