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PDF/X-1a vs PFD Verion 1.4 (Acrobat 5x)

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Ingram Spark requests PDF/X files and no ICC.

When a file is exported with Compatibility  = PDF/X the Embed ICC is grayed out. Those same files are reported by Acrobat as PDF Version 1.4 (Acrobat 5x). What is the difference if any?

I note that  PDF Version 1.4 (Acrobat 5x) allows the Embed ICC to be checked but PDF/X does not. Are they just the same, other than the ability to not Embed ICC? Seems that it shouldn't be that simple.

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I have 20 POD novels up on IS. They're text-only, with a B&W introductory image, usually of some part of the cover. To export, I use PDF/X-1a:2003 / CMYK / Use document profile. If you're doing anything with interior color images, I have absolutely no idea about settings.

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