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Selecting Individual Nodes After Shape Creation

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One feature I am struggling to find is being able to select an individual node of a shape after the shape has been created with a shape tool. 


For example, using the shape tool to create a circle. I would usually create the circle, and then select the node tool this would then allow me to choose an individual node from that shape that I would like to modify the position of.


Now some how I did mange to get this to work on a triangle but I can not replicate it. 


Using the node tool on a shape is very similar to just using move tool on a shape.


It would be awesome to have access to those nodes by simply clicking the node tool.  :)


Other than that it has all the features of illustrator that I need so big thumbs up!!



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Hi CraigWatson,

Welcome to Affinity Forums :)

You have to convert the shape to curves (geometry) before you can access its nodes.

To do it select the shape, go to the context toolbar and click the Convert to Curves button (or go to menu Layer ▸ Convert to Curves).

You should then be able to select individual nodes with the Node Tool.

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