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how to copy (mirror) curve point metrics

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hi @bediicco apologies for the late reply,

One way to achieve this sort of mirroring is using Symbols. In the example below, I created a pentagon with an inward curve, converted the shape to curves and placed an additional node with the node tool on the bottom-centre segment of the shape. I then selected the three bottom nodes and used the alignment function 'Space Horizontally' to centre the node.

I then marquee selected the four nodes on the right hand side of the pentagon and used the 'Break Curve' function and deleted the smaller curve segments. In the symbols panel, I created a symbol out of half of the shape, inserted it onto the canvas, aligned it with the original and flipped it horizontally. At this stage I can manipulate the nodes any actions will be mirrored on the other side.

I've created a brief screen recording demonstrating the steps on iPad. It is a bit of a long-winded workflow so perhaps other forum members may have some alternates.



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@bediicco, @NathanC that is a very good technique you can use with many geometric shapes and curves.  I use it a lot for shapes that must be symmetric.  The one idea I would suggest is placing the paired symbols into a group so they’re less inclined to go walk about.  Die Ehe ist für immer.


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