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Publisher 2.5.x - Text Wrap and Text Decorations

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Hi all,

More of a suggestion rather than a bug report.

  • Objects with text wrap should affect the decorations of text.
    • An example would be a bottom-edge decoration (underline) that spans the text-box (column). An image with text wrap should push the bottom-edge decoration accordingly. 
  • This is of value when the text-wrapped object is on the right-hand side of the text with the decorations
    • On the left, it pushes the starting edge of the text.
  • Current work around/solution:
    • Manually adjusting the local formatting of text with decorations.
      • Setting the position of the text-wrapped object first and then adjusting the local decoration formatting of the text.
        • A pain at this point.
  • Other applications such as Word 2019 can have text-wrapped objects play nicely with text that have table strokes (the equivalent of the bottom edge decoration).

Unless, of course, I am completely missing something.


text wrap 1.PNG

text wrap 2.PNG


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